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Android Instant Apps : create Android instant apps and some examples of that.

    Android Instant Apps is a feature of Android that allows users to run your application without installing it. This can be a great way to reduce friction for users who want to try your application and improve engagement. In this blog post, we will discuss Android Instant Apps and how you can use them in your Android development.

Android Instant Apps work by dividing your application into small, modular parts that can be downloaded and run on demand. This allows users to access the functionality of your application without having to install the entire application. When a user clicks on a link to your Instant App, a small part of your application is downloaded and run on the device, allowing the user to experience your application without any installation.

To create an Android Instant App, you need to follow a few steps. First, you need to modularize your application into small, self-contained modules. These modules should be small enough that they can be downloaded and run quickly, but large enough that they provide meaningful functionality.

Next, you need to create an Android App Bundle, which is a publishing format that allows you to optimize your application for specific device configurations. The Android App Bundle contains all the modules of your application, as well as information about which modules should be downloaded and run when the user requests your Instant App.

Finally, you need to enable Instant Apps in your Android Studio project and configure your application to support Instant Apps. This involves adding the necessary dependencies to your project and configuring your Android Manifest to include the necessary elements for Instant Apps.

Here are some examples of apps that use Android Instant Apps:

  • Vimeo: Vimeo is a video-sharing platform that allows users to upload, share, and view videos. The Instant App version of Vimeo allows users to view videos without having to install the app on their device. This can be useful for users who only want to watch a specific video and don't want to install the entire app.
  • New York Times Crossword: The New York Times Crossword is a popular crossword puzzle game. The Instant App version of the game allows users to play the crossword puzzle without having to download and install the app on their device. This can be useful for users who only want to play the crossword puzzle occasionally.
  • Hollar: Hollar is an online shopping platform that offers discounted products. The Instant App version of Hollar allows users to browse and purchase products without having to install the app on their device. This can be useful for users who only want to make a quick purchase and don't want to install the entire app.

Overall, Android Instant Apps can be a great way to improve engagement and reduce friction for users who want to try your application. By modularizing your application and creating an Android App Bundle, you can create a seamless experience for users who want to try your application without any installation. If you're interested in learning more about Android Instant Apps, check out the Android developer documentation for more information.
